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How To Get Testimonials When Starting A Company: Building Trust From the Ground Up

Get Testimonials When Starting A Company

Have you ever found yourself browsing a website, ready to make a purchase, then hesitated at the last minute? Maybe it was a new brand you hadn’t heard of before, or a product with limited information. Regardless of what you are purchasing., trust is important for online businesses, especially startups. This is where Professional testimonials come in – powerful tools that can bridge the gap between a hesitant customer and a loyal advocate.

Why Testimonials Matter for New Businesses?

Let’s face it, launching a new company is an uphill battle. You’re competing with established brands that have a history of satisfied customers and a reputation for excellence. So, how do you convince potential customers to take a chance on you? Testimonials act as social proof, validating your claims and demonstrating the value you deliver. They’re essentially the voices of your happy customers, singing your praises and reassuring potential buyers that they’re making the right choice.

testimonials for New Businesses

Here’s a breakdown of the magic testimonials weave:

  • Building Trust in a Crowded Marketplace: New businesses often lack the brand recognition of established players. Customer Testimonials bridge this gap by offering a trustworthy perspective from real customers, fostering trust and encouraging potential buyers to consider your offering.
  • The Voice of Credibility: Marketing claims can only go so far. Testimonials are powerful because they come from external sources, offering an unbiased validation of your product or service’s effectiveness. They act as a form of social proof, confirming your brand’s legitimacy and the positive impact you have on customers.
  • Reducing Risk and Building Confidence: Imagine yourself trying a new restaurant. Reading glowing reviews from satisfied diners definitely influences your decision, right? Testimonials work the same way. By showcasing success stories, you lessen the perceived risk for potential customers, making them more confident about trying your product or service.
  • Boosting Conversion Rates: Studies consistently show that testimonials significantly increase conversion rates. Strategically placed testimonials on your website or landing pages can dramatically improve the likelihood of visitors becoming paying customers.

Crafting a Winning Testimonial Strategy

Now that you understand the power of testimonials, let’s explore how to acquire high-quality ones that resonate with your audience:

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  • Identifying Ideal Candidates: Not all customers are created equal. Focus on those who have had a truly positive experience and Online Reputation with your product or service. Look for customers who:
    • Experienced Tangible Improvement: Did your product or service help them achieve a specific goal? Did it solve a major pain point?
    • Clearly Understand Your Value Proposition: Can they articulate how your offering benefits them?
    • Willingness to Share Publicly: Some customers might be shy. Look for those comfortable sharing their positive experience with others.
  • The Art of Asking for Testimonials: Once you’ve identified ideal candidates, it’s time to ask. Here’s how to approach it professionally:
    • Timing is Key: Don’t ask for a testimonial immediately after a sale. Reach out after they’ve had time to experience the full benefits of your product or service.
    • Personalization Matters: A generic request feels impersonal. Tailor your request to the customer’s experience. Highlight the specific problem your product/service solved and the positive outcome they achieved.
    • Offering Incentives (Optional): While not necessary, a small token of appreciation, like a discount on their next purchase, can incentivize customers to share their feedback.
  • Structuring Effective Testimonials: A well-structured testimonial captures key elements that maximize impact. Use this template as a guide:
    • Customer Name and Company (if applicable): This adds credibility and allows potential customers to identify with the person giving the testimonial.
    • A Concise and Impactful Quote: This is the heart of the testimonial. Capture the customer’s experience in a clear and compelling way.
    • Specific Details About Challenges and Solutions: Explain the problem the customer faced and how your offering addressed it.
    • Quantifiable Results (if possible): Numbers speak volumes. Did your product/service help them increase sales by 20%? Streamline a process by 50%? Quantifiable results add weight to their experience.

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide to Google Reviews Best Practices for Your Website

Beyond the Quote: Showcasing Testimonials for Maximum Impact

So, you’ve collected some stellar testimonials – fantastic! Now it’s time to leverage them strategically to maximize their impact. Here’s how you can showcase these testimonials across various channels and consider, a powerful online reputation management platform, to streamline the process:

Integrating Testimonials with

  • Effortless Website Integration: allows you to easily embed testimonials directly onto your website using customizable widgets. This eliminates the need for manual coding and ensures your testimonials are displayed prominently on high-traffic landing pages and product/service pages. Additionally, provides tools to create visually engaging graphics and social media posts featuring your testimonials, maximizing their impact across various channels.
  • Utilizing Testimonials in Marketing Materials: Testimonials aren’t just for websites. Incorporate them into brochures, email campaigns, social media posts, and even video ads. These different channels allow you to reach a wider audience and showcase the positive feedback you’ve received.
  • Leveraging Video Testimonials: Video testimonials take things a step further. They allow customers to share their experience in a more personal and engaging way. Seeing a real person speak about their positive experience with your brand can be incredibly powerful in building trust and influencing buying decisions. can help you streamline the video testimonial creation process, offering guidance on scriptwriting and interview techniques.
  • The Power of Customer Reviews: It’s important to distinguish between testimonials and online reviews. Testimonials are typically curated, positive statements solicited from happy customers. Reviews, on the other hand, can be left by anyone on platforms like Google My Business or Facebook. While testimonials offer a controlled narrative, positive online reviews can carry significant weight, showcasing your brand’s overall reputation and customer satisfaction. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews online to bolster your credibility further. offers tools to monitor and manage your online reviews across various platforms, helping you respond to feedback promptly and professionally.

Ready to Leverage the Power of Testimonials with

Signing up for is a breeze! Here’s how to get started:

1. Head over to the Trustmetrics website: Visit to explore the platform’s features and benefits.

2. Click “Log In”: Locate the “Log In” button situated conveniently in the upper right corner of the homepage.

Testimonials with

3. New User? No Problem! If you’re new to, don’t worry! Clicking on “Log In” will redirect you to a login page. You can also access this page directly through this link: Existing users can enter their credentials on this page to sign in.

Testimonials for New Businesses

4. Create Your Free Account: For new users, simply click on the “DON’T HAVE AN ACCOUNT” button on the login page. This will whisk you away to the registration page. Fill in your details and click the enticing “Start Free 7-day trial” button to complete the process and begin your journey to building trust with powerful testimonials and online reputation management.

online reputation management

Addressing Negative Feedback

Even the most fantastic companies receive negative feedback sometimes. Here’s how to handle it constructively:

  • The Inevitability of Negative Feedback: It’s important to remember that negative feedback is a natural part of doing business. Don’t get discouraged!
  • Responding Constructively: When you receive negative feedback, respond promptly and professionally. Acknowledge the customer’s concerns and offer a solution if possible. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and willingness to address issues.
  • Turning Negatives into Positives: Believe it or not, negative feedback can be a valuable opportunity. By publicly addressing the issue and demonstrating a sincere effort to resolve it, you can actually build trust with potential customers. It shows them that you care about customer satisfaction and are committed to continuous improvement.

Also Read: Rise Above the Competition with the Best Google Review Widget: A Comprehensive Guide


Testimonials are a powerful tool for new businesses to build trust and credibility. By collecting high-quality testimonials and showcasing them strategically, you can significantly improve your chances of converting website visitors into loyal customers. Remember, testimonials are all about building trust in a competitive landscape. By leveraging these powerful endorsements from satisfied customers, you can propel your new company forward and establish yourself as a brand that delivers on its promises.

Additionally, as your business grows, these testimonials will continue to play a crucial role. They serve as an ongoing narrative of your company’s accomplishments and customer satisfaction. This narrative is compelling to potential customers and can help your company maintain momentum, attract new business, and foster customer loyalty. As such, an effective testimonial strategy is not just a launch pad for new businesses, but an essential component of a successful long-term business strategy.

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